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Entry from January 24, 2007
Texas Dim Bulb Award

The blog, subtitled “Life and Liberty in the Lone Star State,” announced in 2006 its monthly “Texas Dim Bulb Award.” The prize (the graphic shows a bulb in the shape of the state of Texas, but upside-down) is modeled after Texas Monthly’s annual “Bum Steer Awards” and is not an award most Texans want to win.
WhosPlayin: Texas Dim Bulb Award
Texas Dim Bulb Award
WhosPlayin   2006/12/31 16:11
Texas Monthly magazine has the “Bum Steers” each year, and it’s an issue you can’t miss.  Problem is that it only comes out once a year. is now awarding the “Texas Dim Bulb Award” to people and entities in Texas that exemplify the worst of our state.
Recipients of the Texas Dim Bulb Award are an embarrassment to the state and its fine citizens.  They dishonor our collective heritage and contribute to the negative stereotypes that sometimes make our beautiful Texas into a laughingstock.
For this reason, recipents of the Texas Dim Bulb Award are deemed as honorary foreigners, and hereby stripped of any and all privileges pertaining to their Texas residency.
To nominate someone for a Texas Dim Bulb Award, email webmaster (at) whosplayin (dot) com
December, 2006 - Craig Baker of Katy, TX

Posted by Barry Popik
Texas (Lone Star State Dictionary) • Wednesday, January 24, 2007 • Permalink

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