A plaque remaining from the Big Apple Night Club at West 135th Street and Seventh Avenue in Harlem.

Above, a 1934 plaque from the Big Apple Night Club at West 135th Street and Seventh Avenue in Harlem. Discarded as trash in 2006. Now a Popeyes fast food restaurant on Google Maps.

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Entry from September 03, 2019
“A horse walks into a bar. The bartender says, ‘Hey!’ ...”

“A guy walks into a bar…” is a typical form of what has been called the “bar joke.” A horse version is:
“A horse walks into a bar. The bartender says, ‘Hey!’ The horse says, ‘Yes, please!’”
“Hey” sounds like “hay.” “Horse walks into a bar. Bartender looks up and says: ‘Hey!’.  Horse sits down and says ‘Sure!’” was posted on the newsgroup rec.equestrian on July 29, 1998.
Google Groups: rec.equestrian
equestrian statues: meaning?
Horse walks into a bar. Bartender looks up and
says: “Hey!”.  Horse sits down and says” “Sure!”.
Google Groups: alt.treasure.hunting
MXT XLT Explorer XS
A horse walks into a bar.  The bartender says, “Hey.”  The horse says,
Google Groups: rec.gambling.lottery
Lotto Cheatah: How it works  
Horse story (OT).  A horse walks into a bar.  Bartender waves and says,
“hey!”.  Horse says, “sure.”
Lizzie Mary Cullen
A horse walks into a bar. The bar tender says “Hey.”
The horse says “Sure.”
2:16 AM · Apr 24, 2009·Twitter Web Client
Joseph Cannizzaro
#badjokes A horse walks into a bar. The bar tender says “Hey.”
The horse says “Sure.”
9:21 PM · Jul 17, 2009·Twitter Web Client
Aaron Headly
So a ‘horse’ walks into a bar & the bartender says:‘Hey!..(the horse says) “Yes, Please,I’m starved!”........#sorry!
12:18 PM · Oct 26, 2011·Twitter Web Client
Grand National
A horse walks into a bar. The barman says “Hey”. The horse says “Yes, please” #Grandnationaljokes
6:01 AM · Apr 5, 2014·TweetDeck
Posted by u/habloun November 14, 2016
A horse walks into a bar…
The bartender says, “Hey.”
The horse says, “Sure.”
Posted by u/thenutmaster February 1, 2018
A horse walks into a bar,
Walks into a bar
The bartender says, “Hey!”
The horse replies, “Sure”.
Ascot Racecourse
A horse walks into a bar.
“Hey,” says the barman.
“Yes please,” says the horse.
6:46 AM · Aug 16, 2018·Twitter Web Client
Posted by u/slenderman201 may 7, 2019
A horse walks into a bar
“Hey”, the Bartender says.
“Sure”, the horse replies.
By laffgaff September 2, 2019
Grinning at really funny horse walks into bar jokeHorse Walks Into Bar Joke
A horse walks into a bar.
The bartender says, “Hey!”
The horse says, “Yes, please!”

Posted by Barry Popik
New York CityRestaurants/Bars/Coffeehouses/Food Stores • Tuesday, September 03, 2019 • Permalink

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