A plaque remaining from the Big Apple Night Club at West 135th Street and Seventh Avenue in Harlem.

Above, a 1934 plaque from the Big Apple Night Club at West 135th Street and Seventh Avenue in Harlem. Discarded as trash in 2006. Now a Popeyes fast food restaurant on Google Maps.

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Entry from May 17, 2023
“Do regular dogs see police dogs and think ‘oh shit it’s a cop’?”

“Do regular dogs see police dogs and think ‘oh no/shit it’s the cops’?” is a jocular saying that has been printed on many images.
“Do regular dogs see police dogs and think ‘oh shit it’s the cops’” was posted on Twitter by Grant on July 23, 2014. “Do regular dogs see police dogs and think, ‘Oh shit, it’s a cop!’?” was posted on Twitter by Bec on December 2, 2014.
“Do regular dogs see police dogs and think, ‘oh no, it’s the cops’” was posted on Twitter by Ian LeMaster on December 5, 2014. “Do regular dogs see police dogs and think, ‘oh NO its a cop?’” was posted on Twitter by Derrick J Smartt on December 15, 2014.
“Do race horses slow down when they see police horses?” is a similar animal saying.
Do regular dogs see police dogs and think “oh shit it’s the cops”
10:29 PM · Jul 23, 2014
do regular dogs see police dogs and think “oh shit it’s the cops”
2:41 AM · Dec 1, 2014
Do regular dogs see police dogs and think, “Oh shit, it’s a cop!”?
11:37 PM · Dec 2, 2014
Posted by u/themusicgoeson December 4, 2014
Do regular dogs see police dogs and think: “oh shit, it’s a cop”
Ian LeMaster
Do regular dogs see police dogs and think, “oh no, it’s the cops”
8:20 AM · Dec 5, 2014
Derrick J Smartt
Joke: Shower Thoughts
Do regular dogs see police dogs and think, “oh NO its a cop?”
11:12 PM · Dec 15, 2014
Posted by u/tenn1sf1end March 22, 2018
Sometimes I wonder…Do regular dogs see police dogs and go “OH SHIT! IT’S THE COPS!”?
sawyer bollitier
Do regular dogs see police dogs and say oh shit it’s the cops
4:38 PM · Oct 2, 2018 from Michigan, USA
Family Guy Scenes
Do regular dogs see police dogs and think “oh shit it’s the cops”?
2:59 PM · Jan 4, 2019
Posted by u/rdx711 January 25, 2019
Do regular dogs see police dogs and think ‘Oh no it’s a cop’?
Pasco Sheriff
Do regular dogs see police dogs & think “Oh no, it’s a cop!”? #TuesdayThoughts
8:01 AM · Jul 9, 2019
22 jul 2021
illumise Do you think regular dogs see police dogs and think “oh shit, it’s a cop” My service dog avoids them their trained to be aggressive and look threatening at all times which means their body language is a warning when non aggressive dogs look at them. If ur dog avoids confrontation like mine, then they will generally avoid police dogs. So short answer, yes.
Posted by u/[deleted] September 3, 2022
do regular dogs see police dogs and just say “Oh shit its a cop”
I need to know
America’s Best Pics & Videos
21 mar 2023
Do regular dogs see police dogs and think: “oh shit,it’s a cop”?
im not right in the head.com added a new photo to the album: NOT RIGHT LAW & ORDER.
May 17, 2023 at 5:22 PM ·
Shared by Mary Clark Catalano
(The following text is shown on a sign.—ed.)

Posted by Barry Popik
New York CityGovernment/Law/Military/Religion /Health • Wednesday, May 17, 2023 • Permalink

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