A plaque remaining from the Big Apple Night Club at West 135th Street and Seventh Avenue in Harlem.

Above, a 1934 plaque from the Big Apple Night Club at West 135th Street and Seventh Avenue in Harlem. Discarded as trash in 2006. Now a Popeyes fast food restaurant on Google Maps.

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Entry from February 05, 2017
“Drunk people run stop signs. High people wait for them to turn green”

“Drunk people run stop signs. High people (stoners) wait for them to turn green” is a jocular saying that has been printed on many images. “You know the old joke: ‘Drunk drivers run stop signs.  Stoned drivers wait for them to turn green’” was posted to the newsgroup wash.politics on August 22, 2001. It is not known how old the joke is, or who said it first.
Google Groups: alt.callahans
not really BB: hash=marijuana?
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
On Wed, 07 Mar 2001 15:37:10 -0600, EHursh

forth, saying:
> And
>then there’s the joke I heard from some comedian on TV, about the
>difference between drunk drivers and stoned drivers: Drunk drivers run stop
>signs, stoned drivers wait for them to turn green.
Back in the mid-Sixties (before anyone but musicians or ‘weirdos’ used pot), my best friend pulled up to a 4-way stop and sat.  and sat. and sat.  I finally told him the stop sign wasn’t going to turn green. He very sheepishly got us moving again.
Google Groups: wash.politics
Civil Liberties and Drug Tests
Ethan Straffin
Caffeine, though not by that much.  The studies so far suggest that the diminished reaction time from THC is partially compensated for by the tendency to drive slower and more cautiously.  You know the old joke: “Drunk drivers run stop signs.  Stoned drivers wait for them to turn green.”
Megan Hegarty
“Drunk drivers run stop signs, stoners wait for them to turn green.” Lmao.
12:25 AM - 7 Jan 2010
Jessica D.
drunk drivers run stop signs, stoners wait for them to turn green, Ive done this plenty of times lol
4:55 PM - 22 Jan 2010
Allie 
Difference between alcoholics & druggies? Alcoholics speed through stop signs, drug addicts wait for them to turn green.
3:03 AM - 17 Apr 2010
Drunk people run stop signs, stonned people wait for them to turn green.
11:35 PM - 27 Apr 2010
Drunk ppl run stop signs.. High ppl wait for them to turn green!
1:12 PM - 26 Jun 2010
Not Will Ferrell
Drunk people run stop signs, high people wait for them to turn green.
7:30 PM - 3 May 2013

Posted by Barry Popik
New York CityTransportation • Sunday, February 05, 2017 • Permalink

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