A plaque remaining from the Big Apple Night Club at West 135th Street and Seventh Avenue in Harlem.

Above, a 1934 plaque from the Big Apple Night Club at West 135th Street and Seventh Avenue in Harlem. Discarded as trash in 2006. Now a Popeyes fast food restaurant on Google Maps.

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Entry from October 20, 2017
“Futons are the sporks of the furniture world”

A futon (a sofa and a bed) has been compared to a spork (a spoon and a fork)—something that tries to do two things and does neither well. “‘To me, a futon (or hide-a-bed) is just the furniture equivalent of the spork.’ –@skoda” was posted on Twitter on May 6, 2011. “Futons, the sporks of furniture” was posted on Twitter on April 3, 2012.
“Futons are the sporks of the furniture world” was posted on Twitter on May 11, 2012.
Wikipedia: Futon 
A futon (布団) is a Japanese traditional bedding.
A bedding set consists of both a mattress (敷き布団 shikibuton, lit. “spreading futon”) and a duvet (掛け布団 kakebuton, lit. “covering futon”). Both elements of a futon bedding set are pliable enough to be aired, folded and stored away in an oshiire closet during the day, allowing the room to serve for purposes other than as a bedroom.
Western-style futons, which typically resemble low, wooden sofa beds, differ substantially from their Japanese counterparts. They often have the dimensions of a western mattress, and are too thick to fold 180°. They are often set up and stored on a slatted frame, which avoids having to move them to air them, especially in the dry indoor air of a centrally-heated house (Japanese homes were not traditionally centrally-heated).
Ben Brooks‏
“To me, a futon (or hide-a-bed) is just the furniture equivalent of the spork. ” –@skoda
2:39 PM - 6 May 2011
Bob Carskadon‏
Futons, the sporks of furniture. RT @bradlocke: They’re burning futons, too. #LexingtonPoliceScanner
12:04 AM - 3 Apr 2012
Futons are the sporks of the furniture world.
3:49 PM - 11 May 2012
Nate Clapper‏
Futons are the sporks of the furniture world
5:11 PM - 10 Aug 2012
Karl Busse‏
Futon is the Spork of furniture.
1:41 PM - 26 Sep 2012
Futons are the spork of the furniture world.
11:07 PM - 18 Dec 2012
Allie Oslager‏
a futon is the spork of the furniture world. #tweetsfromthesheets
9:54 PM - 31 Jul 2015
Futons are the sporks of furniture and both suck. #hottake
10:30 AM - 22 Sep 2017
Reddit—Shower Thoughts
Futons are the spork of the furniture world.
submitted October 20, 2017 by Squilbo_baggins
Half Sober‏
Futons are the spork of the furniture world.
10:17 PM - 19 Oct 2017 (Posted after the above.—ed.)

Posted by Barry Popik
New York CityBuildings/Housing/Parks • Friday, October 20, 2017 • Permalink

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