A plaque remaining from the Big Apple Night Club at West 135th Street and Seventh Avenue in Harlem.

Above, a 1934 plaque from the Big Apple Night Club at West 135th Street and Seventh Avenue in Harlem. Discarded as trash in 2006. Now a Popeyes fast food restaurant on Google Maps.

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Entry from August 23, 2016

The political term “healther” follows similar terms, such as “truther” (9/11 truth movement follower) and “birther” (presidential citizenship skeptic). “‘Birthers’ are not a threat to the USA. The threat comes from supporters of #Obamacare, otherwise known as #HEALTHERS” was posted on Twitter on July 24, 2009. This definition of “healther” meant someone supporting the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”). Ben Cohen, editor of The Daily Banter, used “healthers” on August 7, 2009 to describe people opposing Obamacare. This use of “healther” was clearly inspired by “truther” and “birther.”
Health concerns about presidential candidate Hillary Clinton surfaced in May 2014 and again in August 2016. Those questioning Clinton’s health were dubbed “healthers.” “New birth certificate #birthers #healthers RT @TPM: Fox guest: Hillary could end health speculation by releasing her records” was posted on Twitter on May 14, 2014. “The new birthers: Debunking the Hillary Clinton health conspiracy” by CNN’s Gregory Krieg on August 22, 2016 stated:
“Much in the way ‘birthers’ (Trump was among the most prominent) sought similar ends by questioning President Barack Obama’s citizenship, the ‘healthers’ are using junk science and conspiracy theories to argue that Clinton is suffering from a series of debilitating brain injuries.”
“Birthers” are not a threat to the USA. The threat comes from supporters of #Obamacare, otherwise known as #HEALTHERS. #tcot #liberty #t ...
12:25 AM - 24 Jul 2009
The Daily Banter
Fear of Healthcare or Fear of Black People? Introducing the ‘Healthers’
I think we should come up with a new term for the Healthcare nuts - the ‘Healthers’ in homage to the ‘Birthers’. They are equally as crazy, equally wrong, and at the end of the day, equally racist.
(((Matt Osborne)))
Let’s start calling these assholes “Healthers,” they’re just like birthers only with violent tendencies http://bit.ly/i2DJB
3:44 PM - 7 Aug 2009
The Huffington Post
09/07/2009 05:12 am ET | Updated May 25, 2011
Ben Cohen
Editor, The Daily Banter.com
That is why I am proposing calling those opposed to a public insurance plan “Healthers.”
The Healthers exhibit familiar tendencies to Birthers. They have no interest in civil debate, cannot be swayed by fact, display psychotic, child like behavior in public, and have a deep seated fear of black people.
Richard Saunders
#tcot #p2 #hcr Truthers begat Birthers who begat Healthers. Now they want to sue Congress for passing Bills by majority vote.
7:01 AM - 21 Mar 2010
New birth certificate #birthers #healthers RT @TPM: Fox guest: Hillary could end health speculation by releasing her records
9:19 AM - 14 May 2014
Jason Welzin
So, we’ve gone from Truthers to Birthers to Healthers http://fb.me/2VdHKRenV
9:13 PM - 14 May 2014
Instead of Birthers they will be Hillary Healthers. @SMShow @RadioGuyChris
8:24 AM - 19 May 2014
Mark Sartoris
First it was “Birthers” & now it appears we have “Healthers” trying to cast doubt on a soon to be president health status. #Election2016
5:54 PM - 9 Aug 2016
Los Angeles, CA
@DRUDGE_REPORT @BarbarianCap first came the Obama birthers… then came the Hillary healthers.
2:17 PM - 10 Aug 2016
MTV News
3:21 PM - 22 Aug 2016
Drudge Retort
The New Birthers Are Hillary Healthers
From Donald Trump and his top surrogates to the right-wing media and its engine rooms of outrage in the blogosphere, Hillary Clinton’s opponents are ramping up efforts to sow doubt over the candidate’s health.
POSTED BY RCADE AT 2016-08-22 08:58 PM

The new birthers: Debunking the Hillary Clinton health conspiracy
By Gregory Krieg, CNN
Updated 9:58 PM ET, Mon August 22, 2016
(CNN) From Donald Trump and his top surrogates to the right-wing media and its engine rooms of outrage in the blogosphere, Hillary Clinton’s opponents are ramping up efforts to sow doubt over the candidate’s health.
Much in the way “birthers” (Trump was among the most prominent) sought similar ends by questioning President Barack Obama’s citizenship, the “healthers” are using junk science and conspiracy theories to argue that Clinton is suffering from a series of debilitating brain injuries.

Posted by Barry Popik
New York CityGovernment/Law/Military/Religion /Health • Tuesday, August 23, 2016 • Permalink

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