A plaque remaining from the Big Apple Night Club at West 135th Street and Seventh Avenue in Harlem.

Above, a 1934 plaque from the Big Apple Night Club at West 135th Street and Seventh Avenue in Harlem. Discarded as trash in 2006. Now a Popeyes fast food restaurant on Google Maps.

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Entry from August 21, 2021
“How do ghosts obtain money?”/“Via a polterheist.”

“Polterheist” (poltergeist + heist) is a made-up word that is used in jokes.
The movie Poltergeist (1982) popularized the title word. “Idea for a film: ‘Polterheist’ George Clooney and Brad Pitt are ghost crooks plotting an hilarious bank job” was posted on Twitter by Jeff Ingleby on September 6, 2011. There actually was a movie titled Polterheist (2018).
“What do ya call it when a ghost robs a bank? A polterheist” was posted on Twitter by Adam Doherty on March 12, 2012. “Q: What do you call it when Ghosts rob a Bank? A: A PolterHeist” was posted on Twitter by #ChadFogland on October 4, 2013. “What do you call a bank robbery committed by a ghost? A Polterheist” was posted on Reddit—Jokes on August 19, 2020.
“How do ghosts obtain money? Via a polterheist” was posted on Reddit—Jokes on August 19, 2021.
Wikipeai: Poltergeist
In ghostlore, a poltergeist (/ˈpoʊltərˌɡaɪst/ or /ˈpɒltərˌɡaɪst/; German for “noisy ghost” or “noisy spirit”) is a type of ghost or spirit that is responsible for physical disturbances, such as loud noises and objects being moved or destroyed. Most claims about or fictional descriptions of poltergeists show them as capable of pinching, biting, hitting, and tripping people.
Jeff Ingleby
Idea for a film: “Polterheist” George Clooney and Brad Pitt are ghost crooks plotting an hilarious bank job. Zachary Galifianakis is the
6:23 AM · Sep 6, 2011·Osfoora for iOS
Adam Doherty
What do ya call it when a ghost robs a bank? A polterheist. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
1:25 PM · Mar 12, 2012·TweetDeck
#lollyjoke a bank was robbed by a ghost, it was a polterheist
6:46 AM · Apr 28, 2012·Twitter Web Client
Movie Plot: Ghosts need money to save haunted house, so they rob a bank. Name? PolterHeist. You saw it here first, folks.
6:34 AM · May 21, 2013·Twitter for BlackBerry®
Lee Kwarl Soo
I just made a dad joke - What do you call a bank robbery by ghosts? Polterheist=
I hate myself
9:02 AM · Aug 9, 2013·Tweetbot for Mac
Syd Lexia
Idea: A movie about ghosts who rob banks. I call it…
11:11 AM · Sep 9, 2013·Twitter Web Client
Q: What do you call it when Ghosts rob a Bank? 
A: A PolterHeist.  #HalloweenJokes
10:36 AM · Oct 4, 2013·Twitter Web Client
Polterheist: When ghosts rob banks.
10:44 PM · Apr 20, 2014·Twitter for Android
Caleb Rentpayer
What do you called a ghost bank robbery?
A polterheist.
*looks at angry mob forming*
11:01 PM · Dec 16, 2014·Tweetbot for iΟS
Idea for a movie: A ghost is robbing banks in POLTERHEIST
7:41 PM · Jan 3, 2015 from Dublin City, Ireland·Twitter Web Client
Agent Pale Cooper
What’s it called when ghosts rob a bank?
A polterheist, haha.
Can’t wait to drop that one at work, they’ll be putty in my hands.
3:58 AM · May 22, 2015·Twitter Web Client
The Bloody Jug Band
Cragmire’s Humpday Spooky Joke:
Q: What Do You call a Bank Robbery Committed by a Ghost?
A: A PolterHeist!!!
8:24 AM · Nov 11, 2015 from Alafaya, FL·Twitter for iPhone
Ghost taking money from my wallet
Call that polterheist
7:00 PM · Jun 19, 2016·Twitter for iPhone
Payton Scott Green
Movie idea: a ghost that robs banks. I call it…Polterheist.
9:57 PM · Jun 26, 2016·Twitter for iPhone
A ghost stole all of my money from my bank. I think it was a Polterheist #LooseWomen
7:33 AM · Jul 31, 2018·Twitter for Android
IMDb (The Internet Movie Database)
Two gangsters are given 72 hours to discover the whereabouts of a stash of drug money stolen by their boss. There’s only one problem…they just murdered him. Frantic to find the cash, the hapless criminals kidnap a psychic medium and force her to contact the dead gang boss. Unfortunately for them, they only succeed in unleashing an evil spirit bent on revenge.
What is it called when a ghost robs a bank?
A polterheist.
Thanks I’ll be here all week.
6:14 PM · Oct 11, 2018·Twitter for iPhone
Posted by u/BoredPony October 24, 2018
[OC] What do you call a ghost robbing a bank?
A polter-heist
Q: What do you call it when Ghosts rob a Bank?
A: A PolterHeist
5:23 PM · Oct 31, 2019·Twitter Web App
Posted by u/TMLBR August 19, 2020
What do you call a bank robbery committed by a ghost?
A Polterheist
why did the criminal ghost go to the bank?
to attempt a polterheist.
12:46 PM · Oct 31, 2020·Twitter for Android
Miko Dickenballs
How do you call it when a ghost robs a bank?
12:49 PM · Feb 6, 2021·Twitter Web App
What do you call a bank robbery committed by a ghost?
A Polterheist
12:43 AM · Feb 7, 2021·Twitter for iPhone
Stephen Kozeniewski
What’s it called when a ghost robs a bank?.... A polterheist.
THE PERFECTLY FINE HOUSE - containing ghosts but no heists!
#ghostbooks #horrorreaders
9:00 AM · Mar 7, 2021·TweetDeck
Online Alarm Clock
If a bank gets robbed by ghosts…it’s a Polterheist
9:12 AM · Jun 13, 2021·Buffer
Replying to @DestinationKat and @ThaRealLocsmif
Okay, last one
What do you call it when a group of ghosts rob a bank?
A polterheist
2:25 AM · Aug 7, 2021·Twitter Web App
Posted by u/PonderingWalnut August 19, 2021
How do ghosts obtain money?
Via a polterheist. Ouch, the downvotes!
Edit: more up votes than I expected, thank you kindly!
They got in the vault with a Spook Key

Posted by Barry Popik
New York CityBanking/Finance/Insurance • Saturday, August 21, 2021 • Permalink

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