A plaque remaining from the Big Apple Night Club at West 135th Street and Seventh Avenue in Harlem.

Above, a 1934 plaque from the Big Apple Night Club at West 135th Street and Seventh Avenue in Harlem. Discarded as trash in 2006. Now a Popeyes fast food restaurant on Google Maps.

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Entry from May 21, 2016
“I got a bottle of scotch for my wife…” (joke)

New York-based comedian Henny Youngman (1906-1998) did a liquor commercial in 1972:
“I got a case of Hoffman’s for my wife…that’s not a bad trade.”
The line has had many variations. “I got this car for my wife…not a bad trade” has been cited in print since at least 2000 and has been printed on many bumper stickers. “Got a bottle of wine for my wife today.  Not a bad trade” was cited on Twitter on August 5, 2010. “I got a bottle of scotch for my wife..that’s not a bad trade” was posted on Reddit on May 21, 2016.
“I saw a sign that said ‘Watch for children‘“ is a similar joke.
31 August 1972, Monroe (LA) News-Star, “Voice of Broadway” by Jack O’Brian, pg. 2-B, col. 1:
Henny’s (Henny Youngman—ed.) ten-second soft drink TV quick-spiels are hilarious; for instance: “I got a case of Hoffman’s for my wife…that’s not a bad trade.”
Google Books
Country Chuckles, Cracks & Knee-Slappers
By Michael J. Lessiter
Brookfield, WI: Lessiter Publications
Pg. 72:
“That’s a fine lookin’ poodle you’ve got yourself there, mister,” the drunk slurred. “Where’d you get him?”
“I got him for my wife,” replied the man.
Whereupon the drunk surveyed the dog more carefully and replied, “Well, I’d say that wasn’t a bad trade.”
Google Books
Comedy Writing Secrets
By Melvin Helitzer
Cincinnati, OH: Writer’s Digest Books
Pg. 93:
Hacker: I got some new clubs for my wife.
Caddy: I know your wife, sir, and you know, that wasn’t a bad trade.
Google Groups: rec.outdoors.fishing.fly
Favourite Fly Fishing Quotes
>  Any of you folk got some favourite quotes?
“I got a fly rod for my wife.  Not a bad trade huh?”
Google Groups: sci.electronics.repair
‘IDEAL’ dumb terminal
Chris Reynolds
Got a new car for my wife yesterday, not a bad trade eh?
Google Groups: alt.smokers.pipes
I smoke where I want - longish rant
Sheldon Richman
I got an old pipe for my wife.  It really wasn’t a bad trade.
Google Groups: rec.motorcycles.harley
OT Bumper Stickers ......long
Funny Bumper Stickers
Have a look at some of these “not so politically correct” bumper stickers!
.....need a .sig line
I got this car for my wife…not a bad trade.
❤ jane ❤
I got this car for my wife…not a bad trade. #bumpersticker lol
7:00 AM - 14 Aug 2009
Rodney Payne
Got a bottle of wine for my wife today.  Not a bad trade.
7:26 PM - 5 Aug 2010
John Fogde
“Last week I got a new set of clubs for my wife. Not a bad trade, eh?” #RyderCup2010
8:23 AM - 1 Oct 2010
Daniel Braisted
Today for Valentines day I got 2 movie tickets and a box of chocolate for my wife not a bad trade….... http://jokes-app.com/joke/YkD2T8sksRM
8:30 AM - 15 Feb 2015
I got a bottle of scotch for my wife…
submitted May 21, 2016 by HLDierks
...that’s not a bad trade.
I got a bottle of scotch for my wife… ...that’s not a bad trade. #mademyday
5:05 PM - 21 May 2016

Posted by Barry Popik
New York CityFood/Drink • Saturday, May 21, 2016 • Permalink

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