A plaque remaining from the Big Apple Night Club at West 135th Street and Seventh Avenue in Harlem.

Above, a 1934 plaque from the Big Apple Night Club at West 135th Street and Seventh Avenue in Harlem. Discarded as trash in 2006. Now a Popeyes fast food restaurant on Google Maps.

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Entry from June 05, 2017
“If it looks like piss, smells like piss and tastes like piss—then it must be Budweiser”

“If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck” is an old saying. A jocular version about beer is:
“If it looks like piss, smells like piss and tastes like piss—then it must be Budweiser.”
“If it looks like piss, smells like piss, tastes like piss, it must be beer” was posted on Twitter on December 26, 2009. “Looks like piss, smells like piss, tastes like piss…. must be Coors light” was posted on Twitter on November 24, 2012.
If it looks like piss, smells like piss, tastes like piss, it must be beer
5:32 PM - 26 Dec 2009
Amanda Martin‏
128 calories later, and I MGD is 0-2. If it looks like piss and smells like piss and tastes like piss, its probably diet beer. Fail.
1:40 PM - 16 Aug 2011
Kody Dinh‏
Replying to @ThisisJoshO
@JoshOtusanya @nicrowe13 hmmm. Tastes like piss, smells like piss, looks like piss…. I’ll call it beer!
3:37 PM - 26 Jan 2012
©ortney Davis‏
Yeah what he said RT “@SeeeeJay: @Clear_Davis looks like piss, smells like piss, tastes like piss…. must be Coors light”
7:16 PM - 24 Nov 2012
If it looks like beer/smells like beer/tastes like beer, it’s beer. If it looks like piss/smells like piss/tastes like piss, it’s Heineken.
1:22 PM - 29 Nov 2012
If It looks like piss, smells like piss, and tastes like piss…. it’s probably Miller Light…
12:28 PM - 28 May 2014
If it looks like piss, smells like piss, and tastes like piss, well then it’s probably Coors Light.
8:05 PM - 27 Oct 2014
Yung Whipper Snapper‏
If it tastes like piss, smells like piss, and has the nutritional value of piss, it’s probably Bud Lite.
8:18 PM - 9 Jul 2015
If it smells like piss and tastes like piss
submitted June 4, 2017 by dotaplayer1548
It must be Budweiser!

Posted by Barry Popik
New York CityFood/Drink • Monday, June 05, 2017 • Permalink

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