A plaque remaining from the Big Apple Night Club at West 135th Street and Seventh Avenue in Harlem.

Above, a 1934 plaque from the Big Apple Night Club at West 135th Street and Seventh Avenue in Harlem. Discarded as trash in 2006. Now a Popeyes fast food restaurant on Google Maps.

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Entry from May 15, 2021
“My French teacher has retired. Adios, amigo”

“My french teacher died. Adios, buddy” was posted on Reddit—Sixwordstories on June 21, 2016. “After a long and effective career, my French teacher finally retired. Adios, Amigo” was posted on Reddit—Jokes on September 26, 2018.
“My French teacher, the man who thought me everything I know in the language, is leaving….adios amigo!!!!!” was posted on Twitter by Gerry Mc Namee on May 12, 2019. “My French teacher, who taught me so well, is leaving! Adios amigo!” was posted on Twitter by Robert Wilkinson on May 15, 2021.
Tyler Johnson
The look on my teachers face when I walk out of French class and say “adiós”
7:43 PM · Sep 30, 2014·Twitter for iPhone
The culmination of my eight years of French classes was when I accidentally said “Adios” to my French teacher
9:57 AM · Jun 18, 2015·Twitter for iPhone
lil booty
Yelled “adios!!!” to my french teacher after handing in my exam. So ya prolly aced it.
10:54 AM · Oct 2, 2015·Twitter for iPhone
Posted by u/TommehBoi June 21, 2016
My french teacher died. Adios, buddy.
Posted by u/MyfanwyTiffany November 17, 2016
After a long and distinguished career, my French teacher finally retired.
Adios, amigo.
Posted by u/porichoygupto September 26, 2018
After a long and effective career, my French teacher finally retired.
Adios, Amigo.
Jim Duffin
My former French teacher is heading back to live in France. He was a great teacher who taught me everything I know about the French language
Adios Amigo…............
2:44 AM · May 10, 2019·Facebook
Gerry Mc Namee
My French teacher, the man who thought me everything I know in the language, is leaving….adios amigo!!!!!
6:52 AM · May 12, 2019·Twitter for iPhone
My old French teacher, the guy who taught me everything I know, has died.
Adios Amigo
7:37 PM · Oct 31, 2019·Twitter for iPhone
Daz Hale BBC WM
My old French teacher who taught me everything I know has just moved away. Adios Amigo
7:51 AM · Nov 2, 2020·Twitter for iPhone
Robert Wilkinson
My French teacher, who taught me so well, is leaving!
Adios amigo!
12:46 PM · May 15, 2021·Twitter Web App

Posted by Barry Popik
New York CityEducation/Schools • Saturday, May 15, 2021 • Permalink

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