A plaque remaining from the Big Apple Night Club at West 135th Street and Seventh Avenue in Harlem.

Above, a 1934 plaque from the Big Apple Night Club at West 135th Street and Seventh Avenue in Harlem. Discarded as trash in 2006. Now a Popeyes fast food restaurant on Google Maps.

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Entry from December 02, 2019
“Real estate agents imply the existence of fake estate agents”

Many people question the term “real estate agent.”  “Does that mean we have fake estate agents, too? What do they sell?” was printed in the book Life’s a Joke, and I Have Proof (2005) by David Rogers. “If there are real estate agents, are there fake estate agents too?” was posted on Twitter by Dan Freemantle on March 13, 2009.
“If real estate agents exist, there has to be fake estate agents” was posted on Reddit—Showerthoughts on March 10, 2017. “There must be a lot of fake estate agents for the other ones to assure us they’re real” was posted on Reddit—Oneliners on December 2, 2019.
Google Books
Life’s a Joke, and I Have Proof
By David Rogers
Wavelength Press
Pg. 66:
Does that mean we have fake estate agents, too? What do they sell?
Dan Freemantle
If there are real estate agents, are there fake estate agents too?
7:39 AM · Mar 13, 2009·Twitter Web Client
,a href=“https://twitter.com/domforbes/status/57000618853801984”>Twitter
Dom Forbes
Do Americans have fake estate agents as well as real estate agents?
4:43 AM · Apr 10, 2011·Twitter for iPhone
Blake Lawrence
Real estate agents ruin all the fun for fake estate agents.
4:11 PM · Oct 16, 2011·Twitter for Mac
Why do they call them real estate agents? Are there fake estate agents?
5:04 PM · Feb 16, 2012·Twitter for BlackBerry®
Real estate agents, as opposed to what? Fake estate agents?
2:54 PM · Feb 24, 2014·Twitter Web Client
Posted by u/akichandoug March 10, 2017
If real estate agents exist, there has to be fake estate agents
your bff alex
Real estate agents imply the existence of fake estate agents. Be fucking careful who you trust
12:09 AM · Mar 3, 2019·Twitter for Android
Posted by u/brendan_07 December 2, 2019
There must be a lot of fake estate agents for the other ones to assure us they’re real.

Posted by Barry Popik
New York CityBuildings/Housing/Parks • Monday, December 02, 2019 • Permalink

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